Today I am featuring the lovely Eva
of Birmingham, UK from tinctory. She sells smocked textile jewelry. Having once been an avid sewer, I have always appreciated the beauty of smocking but have never learned it- I guess I couldn't see how I could incorporate it into what I was doing. Eva has made smocking modern and possible to wear as an adult!
What is your "real" life like?
I live with my boyfriend of 8 years. I've always lived in flats and my
big dream is to have a garden with fruit trees, a vegetable patch and
a place for dye plants like madder and japanese indigo. There would
also be a wildlife area of unmowed grass and a little pond. I once
English literature and still like reading long novels. I'm a
coeliac and enjoy the challenge of gluten-free baking. I like knitting, sadly
I haven't had much time for it lately.
What is your process?
Most of my jewellery is made from repurposed silk. This means that each fabric has a slightly different character and creates different texture even when smocked the same way. I'm interested in natural dyes and occasionally use silk that I've dyed myself. A good thing about smocking is that no special equipment is needed, just fabric, needle and thread (and a lot of time and patience).
What are your goals and vision for your business? One immediate aim is to improve my marketing. I've been researching
magazine and online ads and looking at other online selling venues
apart from Etsy.
How and where do you market your business?This is something I'd really like to improve. Currently I post photos
on Flickr although that's more for socialising than marketing reasons.
Next month I'm taking part in an online exhibition at
papernstitch. The website has
launched recently and I'm excited to be part of the project.
Do you subscribe to any business related blogs, zines or magazines?
I don't subscribe to it but always look at Craft magazine in the library to get an idea of the fine crafts scene in the UK. The marketingseries on Modish is not to be missed - it's full of tips and information I wish I knew
long ago.
What inspires you?
Museum collections of intricate textile work, costume dramas, reading
blogs, browsing through Selvedge,
complicated dreams, fairytale moments in real life, archetypes,
autumn, combinations of colours...
What are two of your favorite things from your shop?
Right now it would have to be the Jane
necklace and (Pictured above) Sage
which sold but I like it so much I'm planning to make another one.
I am a fan of....jessitaylorduckduckGoosestuffyorktownroadbenconservatololley
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