Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today I am featuring Alisa from TREASUREFIELD
I love her fresh take on polymer clay and am especially loving these earrings of hers- classicly modern and so right now! She has a whole line of faux gemstones. Check her stuff out.

What inspired you to make this product?
I saw something else that made me think of this. I love when that happens!
And faux finishes & faux aging are so much fun with poly clay.

What inspires you on a daily basis?
Almost daily I see something I want to interpret in my own way, whether in nature or made by another artisan -past or present. Just the desire to be creative inpires me!

What are your favorite materials to use?
Paint, paper, pencils and polymer clay. :)

Who are some etsy artists that you admire?
That would be hard to narrow down; there are so many! But I most admire the ones who come up with original designs and techniques.

What are some of the websites you most frequently visit?
Polymer Clay Daily for all the latest in poly-clay creations & news
Daily Art Muse for all things "art"
D.J. Pettitt's blog just for the beauty of her paintings & collage
and to learn from and keep in touch with a world of interesting people!

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