Thank you to the 30 people that commented/entered this giveaway!
Most of the comments I got were about the background color of my photos. Most of those comments mentioned not liking the background so much. I have taken your advice to heart and have decided to re-take all of the pictures with a white background.
Without further delay the winner is commenter # 8.
That would be ShopPOPKO, she said...
"alright im in! first impression- your banner is great and striking and pretty and makes me want to see what yo uhave. next, i like how your shop announcement is concise. im not crazy about the constant blue. its a little too much for my eyes. i can see how it ties it all together, but i think that your work is cohesive enough to bind itself. i would vary the backgrounds more. "
cheers! cp
I wanted to put a screenshot of the random integer generator below- that is what I used to come up with the winning number- and after trying for nearly an hour I can't get the screenshot saved as a picture- blah blah blah- you are just going to have to take my word!
Because I commented once during the week- my post was not counted in the final number- which doesn't matter much here because my comment was after #8.
Thank you again for all of your input and check back within the week for the posting of another giveway.