Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Twisted Sister Arts

I am so excited to introduce Jill Lawrence of Naperville, Illinois from Twisted Sister Arts. She sells handwoven Wire jewelry, with gems and embellishment. I do wire work myself and I am in awe of the work she does. As a special treat she has sent along photos of herself in the process of making a piece.

What is your “real” life like?
Real life, past owner of Top 500 flower shops, currently employed as a blooming and plant bu
yer for Top 10 Flowershop chain. No children, Loving husband who dotes on me, two cats.
Interests, Wire, Cubic Zirconia, Silver, Glass Fusing, Pearls, and combining all these materials into a piece of art.

What is your process?
I currently use Parawire non tarnish silver and gold wire. I weave the wire freehand, an
d only use flat nose, needle nose, blunt cutters and an occasional tapestry needle (sharp) to achieve my weaving. I usually start with an idea, and weave to accomplish it. I think anything that is made of metal, I can weave to match it. I'd love t o be able to afford to go to solid silver, and gold plate, but the expense keeps me back. I want my customers to be able to afford my work.

What are your goals and vision for your business?
Short term, selling a huge loom that occupies the studio. Medium term, turning the studio, into a full studio. Setting up a business plan to achieve my long term goals. Long term, being able to hold classes to teach my work, being able to sell enough to support my husband and me.

How and where do you market your business?
I sell my work on Etsy,

I kept my personal web page even though it's not current, because I want to learn to load my own script and pictures.
I also sell my work at the Wheaton French Markets in Wheaton and Chicago, Illinois. Next year, I plan to start working the art fairs.

Do you subscribe to any business related blogs, zines or magazines?
What inspires you?
A beautiful cubic zirconia stone, a Watch movement, Cracks in concrete, Leaves on trees, Leonard Bernstein, My couch, Roast chicken. My best ideas come in the night, when I can't sleep. Right now, I've got a copper etching I want to do, 12"x12", and use leaves from our trees, to imprint with paint and then use etching solution to leave the imprint on the copper. Until I make it, I don't move on to the next idea.
I also use an "idea book" which I carry in my purse. I get inspired sometimes at work, and to keep from loosing it, I write/draw it out. When I'm uninspired, I look at it, and get the "bug" all over again.

My favorite artist... (click on artist name to link to a video)
Andrea Bocelli.

I am a fan of... for her inspiration and direction in jewelry trade. for starving jewelry artists for more inspiration and direction

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Blue Rock Gourds

Today: Wendy Overdorf of Millersville, PA of Blue Rock Gourds. She sells hand grown, hand painted and stained gourds, bird houses, feeders, butterfly houses, masks, santas, bowls and jewelry gourds as well as washed craft ready gourds for artists and crafters. After looking at their website I fell in love with them. They have pictures of their home where their store is and pictures of the family together making and selling gourds. It makes me yearn for the days of my youth in the mid-west and of a simpler time.

What is your real life like?
I am married to the
"GourdFather" my awesome hubby Milty and we have two beautiful children Zane 16 and Abbie 7 and one spoiled dog "Johnny Cash". I work a mind numbing job in a tax office, dreaming of gourds, crafts and my craft shop in our house. I love to walk the dog, watch my kids play soccer and baseball and going on occasional dates with the Gourdfather. My dream is to work full time as a gourd artist and have my quirky little gourd shop.

What is your process?
Blue Rock Gourds grows, cleans and stains all the gourds by hand. The Gourdfather is the driller, packer, stainer and craft show set-up. I paint, sell, maintain the website, ship and pack and market the gourds. We make a great team!

Business Goals and Vision...

Short term I will be glad to make it to Christmas with gourd orders! Long term I would like to be a full time gourd artist, work on my website and become more internet savvy, I would rather paint gourds than build a website it scares me!

How do you market your business?
You can see Blue Rock Gourds
at various craft shows in Pennsylania, Delaware and Maryland.

Follow my blog and you will b
e entered to win a gourd birdhouse! I give a gourd a week away FREE!!

Do you subscribe to any business related blogs, zines or magazines?
I love magazines, I just got my first copy of ReadyMade and wonderful hipster craft mag!

I just started blogging and I
could become addicted! I follow mostly craft blogs: cool
paper creations blog my new fellow blogger! wonderful felted goodies I am
in the holiday boutique!

What inspires you?
The loveeeeeeeee the color GREEN, it makes me feel good. I also love vintage looks and vintage buttons with sparkle. I am an old Bonnie Raitt fan from way back in the day, she also makes me feel good! I love being home creating gourds and vintage button jewelry.

Who is your favorite musical artist? (click on the artist name to see a video)
BONNIE RAITT who else!

What are two of your favorite things from your shop?
Red Butterfly house

(First picture)
Warty Hard Shell gourds, they ROCK!
(third picture)

Am a fan of these places...
Puff Pastry Shoppe Vivien does amazing work!

Bethie B makes awesome soap! Proud mom of a daisy scout!

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