Sunday, October 5, 2008

MissEvilKitty- How to Pick up Those Sluggish Sales

From what I understand a lot of people have hopes and dreams of making money on Etsy. People are asking ‘why am I not selling”? Well, you have to factor in that the sales / season is slow. Are you doing your part ?
Are you sending business cards in swaps?
Are you doing craft shows on the side?
Are you advertising out side of Etsy like Myspace, indie public, face book, message boards, etc?
How many items are you adding daily or weekly?

Whether you’re a newbie or have been on Etsy for awhile, remember this :
1. Great pictures are a must.
2. Spell check every thing -M-WORD or WORD PERFECT are great for this.
3. Post in the forums on Etsy or at one of the places listed above.
4. Add an item every day, or renew an item.
5. Get a mentor- you can find advice about doing this on the Etsy forums.
6. Explore blogs- you can also find people promoting their blogs in the "Promotions" section of the Etsy forums.
7. Explore new crafts or branch out in different ways within your own craft.
8. If you need banners, etc find some one to help.
9. Get out of your comfort zone .. think out side of the box ex. visit local shops that sell local indie designer items and pitch your stuff!
10. Give great customer service!

Hope those are helpful tips for you to jumpstart you sales! Good Luck!

1 comment:

Bubbles said...

Great advice and hopefully people will listen as they still seem to wonder to the forum and ask the same questions


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